Why Brainfuck?

Many of our customers have asked us why we use a language with such an obscene name. How can something so anti-enterprise be a basis for reliable products? But our competitors will assure you—our tech is superior and they can't rival it. Part of this advantage is our use of Brainfuck as the basis for our projects. We believe that BF is a fundamental tech that every business needs, and we have our reasons to believe it. Here are some:

Simplicity and Learnability

Brainfuck is simple—it only has eight standard commands. The minimum necessary toolkit to build resilient products on top of. Our interns have the shortest onboarding time in the industry—they only need to learn these 8 standard commands, a couple of almost-standard debugging extensions, and familiarize themselves with the style and documentation guides. No other tech would allow such a superior onboarding flow. If you want your Junior devs to program as Middles, picking Brainfuck is the surest option for that!

Safety and Security

Many companies need to have separate Security and CI/CD departments. Their tech stack is constantly under the load of new CVEs. Their memory safety is compromised. Their products are likely already exploited due to unbounded Turing-completeness of some subsystem.

Not at BES. Our use of Brainfuck ensures security and safety of our projects. Brainfuck is sandboxed by default, having only standard input and output for user interaction. This simplicity makes it safe against prompt injections or unescaped strings. Its absence of the stack makes stack rewriting irrelevant. Using BF as a database or operating system ensures security even Rust can't compete with.


Have your company ever been in a transition from Python 2 to Python 3? Maybe some npm packages breaking in the midst of routine system update? Wrong versions of C library dependencies corrupting memory, maybe? The modern tech landscape is full of such traps, hindering the portability of one's solutions.

Brainfuck is ultimately portable. Any compliant code will run on any compiler/interpreter/runtime you can find. There's only a few variables about Brainfuck implementations that can be changed:

  • Memory size, with sane defaults above 30000 cells.
  • Cell size, with industry standard of one byte.
  • Cell wraparound with community common ground of wrapping the cells on overflow.

All these parameters are in check in most Brainfuck platforms. Relying on sane standards/defaults unlocks an unparalleled portability of our products. There are thousands of Brainfuck implementations that our software runs on. And even our world-class engineers sometimes can't resist a temptation for writing their own Brainfuck implementations. See Reb (by our Lead Regex Developer), Sade (by our Turing-completeness consultant), and, of course, BES's own already used in several of our products for seamless extensibility and runtime scripting.

Reliable Type System

Have you ever encountered type system insufficiency at expressing the ideas. Have your developers ever asked you to use more type-safe tech? Have you ever been bitten by Y2K bug and other integer overflow problems? Embrace Brainfuck's reliable type system and avoid these problems.

It's simple—everything is cells, and cells are bytes. You can build anything on top of that. Arbitrary precision numbers? Yes! Strings? Easy! Structs? Of course! The world is yours, without any worries about your runtime not providing some type or memory layout. No memory layout—no problems.

Packaging and Abstraction

Given the unique simplicity of Brainfuck, packages and libraries are a breeze to add. Just Ctrl-C Ctrl-V them into the application code! Many of our libraries are structured in such a way that copy-pasting them into BF code does the work. Just ensure proper typing of memory and paste the algorithm in. That's it.


Given all the advantages Brainfuck provides, any company would want to rewrite their software in it. Naturally, most companies don't want to hire Brainfuck developers with their unique qualifications. A solution they turn to is asking ChatGPT (or the analogue thereof) to write "an OS in Brainfuck" or "a text editor in Brainfuck". The thing is: AI is bad at Brainfuck. The code it generates is nonsensical.

Unless AI gets better at Brainfuck, BF is the human programming language. And we have best Brainfuck programmers on the market! So BES and Brainfuck are a match made in heaven—effective tech and effective team.

You can try Brainfuck for yourself (likely using our libraries and IDE), or contact us to make the next market-disrupting product in this superior tech!

© Brainfuck Enterprise Solutions, 2023-present